Sessions at Box End &
Lake Ashmore
Location: Box End Park, Box End, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 8RQ
Location: Gore Tree Road, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 9BP
At both venues: There is ample car parking.
At Box End: Once parked go left of the building and enter the activities reception where you will be checked in. I will have a flag staked into the ground with Waterwoman on it - that is our meet point. I may be finishing a previous session, so please wait there and prepare yourself. Note: when we have agreed a date/time for our session you will need to pre-book your swim session on the Box End online booking portal.
At Lake Ashmore: Once parked go right of the building and follow the tree-line around the lake for approx. 200m. I will have a flag staked into the ground with Waterwoman on it - that is our meet point. I may be finishing a previous session, so please wait there and prepare yourself. Note: you do not need to pay for entry to Lake Ashmore - it is included in the fee you have paid me.
Bring on the day: trisuit/swimsuit for under wetsuit, swimming wetsuit, goggles, a brightly coloured swim hat, flip flops are useful for walking on the lakeside. You'll need some water for after the swim and also to rinse your face and hands. They have lockers (bring £1) but please wipe down after use with anti-bacterial wipes. If swimming in skins at Lake Ashmore please bring a tow-float (I have a few to lend out for sessions).
Note regarding wetsuits: At Box End you can usually hire a wetsuit for £5 per session. Wetsuits are your own responsibility to hire/purchase. There are many places online where you can hire them for a few weeks to a whole season. Wetsuits keep you warmer and more buoyant and are highly recommended when starting open water for safety reasons. You can also hire wetsuits from triwetsuithire. Hiring for a season to see if you enjoy the sport is a good idea and then you can purchase a suit when you know you want to continue and how much you want to invest.
Changing rooms and showers may not be in use, so you will need to change behind your car or lakeside (at Box End there are lakeside changing chalets). You may find a changing poncho useful. You don’t need anything expensive - there are microfibre ones around for circa £15.
Toilets are available.
The session: We will do a dryland warm up and have a pre-swim safety brief, so leave the changing area with your wetsuit to waist level and a warm top on, once we've chatted and done the warm up you can complete putting on your wetsuit.
After the session: if we have time we will stretch together after the session, if not please do ensure you stretch after your session or at home. Pay particular attention to your shoulders and upper back.
Your kit - your responsibility: please leave valuables at home or in your bag lakeside, or if required use a locker at Box End. People do leave kit next to the lakeside and you may do this, at your own risk. I am there to look after you, not anything you leave on the lakeside, although I will bring a plastic box for you to leave things in/on, like flip-flops, a towel, etc, but this is at your own risk. (At Lake Ashmore we are tucked away from public access, so it’s quite safe to leave things on the lakeside and there is a little changing hut you can leave things if need be - but refrain from bringing valuables.)
Note: If we're doing a transition session please wear a trisuit and bring your running shoes/hat etc. to the lakeside.
Please be honest about your swim ability when booking into a public swim session or a coached swim session. It is important for your safety and those swimming near you and managing the sessions, that you are swimming within your abilities. Open Water swimming does carry increased risk. 400m is 16 lengths of a regular municipal 25m pool; 800m is 32 lengths. In open water you will be swimming that distance without being able to stand up or touch a lane wall. However, treading water or swimming breaststroke is a great way to have a rest in open water and both are important self-life-saving skills, so please ensure you can do this before going into open water.
Do not swim if you should be isolating; are showing any of the possible signs of Covid-19; recently been in close proximity to someone with Covid-19; have tested positive for COvid-19 in poor 2 weeks.
I will give you a full refund of your fee if you cancel for these reasons or we can re-book a session a few weeks later. For all other reasons please give 24hrs notice of cancellation.
Please maintain a 2m minimum distance from others when on the lakeside. In the water we will try to keep our distance too but obviously the nature of the discipline means that occasionally this may vary. In intro/acclimatisation swims and with nervous swimmers I will accompany you in the water. I will maintain a 2m distance from you when demonstrating and when swimming with you, I will swim to one side slightly behind you and 2m apart.
Please wash your hands before and after the session or bring alcohol gel and use that.
I have written and am using protocols for before, during and post-session during Covid-19. These are updated as and when guidance from the government, BTF, SwimEngland and RLSS change their advice to the swim coaching community. I am fully insured with my governing bodies and through Insure4sport. Risk assessments are reviewed dynamically at each session and updated regularly.
Pool swimming sessions
Please try to wear tight-fitting swimwear rather than loose shorts, etc - it will make swimming easier for you. Do bring decent goggles and a swim hat (if you have long hair). I would advise bringing a full water bottle - if you are swimming hard you don't realise how much you are perspiring, you should keep hydrated.
Please meet me poolside about 5 minutes before the session. If you are early please do a warm up swim while you wait for me - it takes 400-600m swimming for an adult to warm up completely, so you won't harm yourself by getting some lengths in - providing that you are confident enough to do so.
Do not run on poolside, take care walking near other people's kit - trip/slip hazards.
Open Water Risks
It should go without saying that participating in water-based activities carries a risk and open water swimming increases that risk. However, being sensible and being aware reduces the risks dramatically. Box End is a generally safe lake, well maintained and water tested. There is always a spotter on the lakeside.
When at the lake:
Do not enter the lake until I am present and have told you to do so.
If you leave a session, for any reason, please inform me first and then again, if you return to the session.
Always wear appropriate kit and make sure it is the correct size - a wetsuit which is too large may take on water and make it hard, or even impossible, to swim safely.
Enter and exit lakes carefully - there may be hidden objects and unseen hazards, unlike a pool environment we cannot always see the hazards in an OW environment.
Listen to your body:
if you are unwell do not swim - I would rather you cancelled a session, than swam when unwell
if you feel unusual in the water please let me know
if you suddenly feel unwell or in anyway panicked please let me know and if need be exit the lake
if you are unable to exit the lake, roll onto your back and wave one arm in the air
Do not swim underwater.
Although it is impossible not to swallow some water when OW swimming, try to avoid taking big gulps.
Do not approach the wildlife - swans, in particular, can be very protective of their young and nest area.
Do not swim with uncovered cuts or abrasions - risk of Leptospirosis (Weil's disease). Cover them adequately and wash/re-cover after the session. If it's a severe cut/abrasion or can't be covered - do not swim.
When you leave the lake:
do not consume food until you have washed your hands
have a shower as soon as possible and rinse your wetsuit (make sure you shower your whole body and hair)
read this for more information:
Group sessions:
Please treat others as you wish to be treated.
Feedback will be given to all participants - please listen and try to take it on board. If you need further instruction speak to me at the end of the session and I will explain in more depth.
Do not dunk or push anyone under the water.
Although we practice group swimming and mass starts do be aware of the others in your group - particularly in a mixed-ability session.
If you spot someone in difficulty - please stay near them and alert me by waving/shouting. Do not attempt to support them physically in the water as they may push you under or cause you to be in difficulty.
Do use the group sign in/sign out sheet.
Do tell me if you leave/enter the lake for any reason - even if you are just going to the toilet.